Smart Security Starts Here.

Access control is at your fingertips—anytime, anywhere. Connected smart products from Master Lock deliver exceptional security, ease of use and reliability for both business and home.

Factory Manager with hard hat and safety glasses viewing laptop on factory floor

Des solutions qui vous donnent le contrôle

La sécurité que vous attendez de Master Lock, désormais numérique. Nos produits Bluetooth® sont conçus avec un logiciel avancé, ce qui facilite le couplage et la gestion de plusieurs serrures et utilisateurs.

Technologies intelligentes

La technologie Bluetooth vous permet de contrôler l’accès aux cadenas de contrôle directement depuis votre téléphone.

Accès facile

Aucune clé ou combinaison n’est nécessaire pour utiliser les cadenas ou autoriser l’accès à d’autres utilisateurs.

Conception sécurisée

Toutes les serrures intelligentes et tous les logiciels sont conçus pour résister aux attaques numériques et physiques.

Établit la norme

Faire évoluer l’écosystème des serrures intelligentes avec l’héritage de protection Master Lock auquel vous avez toujours fait confiance.


Master Lock’s line of Bluetooth hardware pairs advanced innovation with convenience, all with the same reliability you know and trust.

Voir tout

Master Lock Connected Products are provided with a minimum 5 year support period for security updates from March 2024.


Master Lock® Vault™

Control access to one or many locks, for your home or business, right from your phone using the Master Lock Vault apps.

Explore Vault

No Keys, No Combos

Say goodbye to lost keys and forgotten combinations. The key is your phone.

Location Mapping

Using geolocation, our app lets you see where in the world your lock was last accessed.

Detailed Access History

Track accountability through software, seeing what was unlocked, by whom, when.

Advanced Security

Encrypted digital keys can’t be duplicated, so you control who has access.

Anytime, Anywhere

Manage and monitor lock access from wherever you are with our iOS or Android app.

Who We Connect

Stay connected and in control. Use Master Lock’s smart solutions to protect your properties with confidence and unmatched security.

Home & Residential

Secure your personal property and protect your belongings. Plus, grant access to those who need it from anywhere.

Vacation & Short-term Rentals

Easily grant secure access to renters from anywhere, at any time. No keys or combinations needed.

Real Estate & Property Management

Streamline appointments, showings and seamlessly grant temporary access to properties.

Commercial Facilities

Digitally enable your LOTO program to manage everything and everyone, all in one place.


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Built to Last

Strength You’ll Never Second Guess

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